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OMG!...I'm addicted to blog

>> Monday, February 16, 2009

I'm not pay attention in class, lecturer are teaching in front and I'm busy blogging here. Hehe...I'm gettting more addicted to blog. Is this a good or bad thing? Before this I'm so curious why my friends like to blog and willing to spent some minutes to post up story. Now I understand...It's like some kind of entertainment. Huhu...I'm become loyal to blog now. I'm the bloggie's fan...Hurray!!!

Erm...posing in front of my laptop's webcam. Huhu...I look like an uncle right. LOL...Today I have a normal and formal attire. I have to wear formal on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday to attend the lecture. If not, I'll be caught by the Student Affairs' Department people. I don't want to mess up with them. But tomorrow I'm going to wear a stylish attire. Hope I manage to snap some photos and upload them here. LOL...I'm actually have one disease recently. Can you guess? Ya...I like to self-candid so much and my laptop's storage filled up with some many photos of myself.
LOL...Psh ~ I have a charming look, don't you all think so?
(Buek...Buek...Buek...) I can know someone out there is vomiting. Such a thick face I have {-_-"}
Oops! I'm really have to end my blog here. Need to concentrate in my lecture, or else I'm going to miss out what the lecturer has taught. Bye...Muak! A goodbye kiss for you all...LOL


curryegg February 16, 2009 at 5:42 PM  

Lol.. budak ni... Not paying attention in class. Well, it happen to me too. hahaha.. enjoy the blog-addict-moment.. ;D

AkuD kot! February 16, 2009 at 6:51 PM  

hehe.. baby face nie.. lalala
enjoy blogging sam!!!
blogging blh lepas tension, cakap je apa2 nk cakap.. Tapi jangan sampai menyentuh perkara2 yg sensetif~

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