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I'm so tired and sleepy...ZzZzZ

>> Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Last night I was burning midnight oil for my algebra linear test tomorrow, as well as doing my computer architecture assignment. Damn! Both so difficult, the questions really squeeze my brain. I don't know how to answer especially the algebra linear. How I'm suppose to do? I don't want to fail any test again. I must score! I must score! But my brain performance starts to decrease already.

(~Yawn ~Yawn) That the only things I do the most when in the lecture just now. I didn't concentrate on what the lecturer taught in front. All i think is my sweet lovely bed waiting for me at home. Argh...Wake up! Wake up! I keep on reminding myself, but my eyes started to close... Then I can help myself and I slept for few minutes...Then awake by some noise, thought my lecturer yelling me. Haha...luckily my lecturer didn't notice me.
Well, I'm unable to snap some picture of my today attire. I just wear normal attire, that is T-shirt with jeans. I woke up late this morning and rushing, so nothing special about my attire AS promised, so sorry...(~sob ~sob)
Now I at my room and will take nap later. I'm having migraine now...Can't resist anymore. So I have to end my blog here. Bye! I'm gonna oi oi liao...LOL


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