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Me as usherer for Fiesta Cahaya '09

>> Sunday, February 22, 2009

Vanakkam! Haha...How do I look like in this Indian costume? Suits me? As mentioned in my previous post, I become the usherer for my university Fiesta Cahaya event. That's why I didn't post up any story these two days back. I been busy attending the rehearsal. During the event, I always keep on greeting the guest with "Vanakkam". Fuh...feels so bored doing the same thing! However the proudest part is I'm the first one who greets the VVIP whose one of them is a Senator. LOL...I know someone out there said me 'lansi' already (self-esteem in Cantonese).

On right is how I have to do all the way during the event. Seems like my both palm hand been sticked by glue. LOL...Actually it's a Indian polite way to greet people. That night I forget to charge my camera, so I'm unable to snap few photos of me and my friends wearing Indian costumes.
I want to make some confession here. I found out that Chinese girls who wears Sari look very gorgeous and beautiful. I even attracted to them. ~Blush ~Blush - My face become red already...
This year Fiesta Cahaya performance enjoyable, however the technical and maintainance of the event are worse. The gap between the shows are too long and the slide show having problem (always hang). The story they want to bring up also not very understandable. However, I think they have do the best they could, as the dance really enjoyable. I even feel want to dance with them too.
Huhu..I need to end my blog here. I haven't finish study for my midterm exam tomorrow. Wish me luck! Nandri! (means thanks in Tamil).


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