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My mood is down again...T_T. Why I need to be like that?

>> Saturday, February 14, 2009

My eyes are little bit swollen, you know why? Erm...I feel so shy to tell, but anyway I must say out my feeling. Yup! You're guess are right, I cried over my bad performance in studies. I recently have a midterm exam and 2 quizzes. The bad thing is I was unable to answer most of the question. What I've done to be so useless? If you said I'm not revising my book, but I do revise. When I recieved the paper, my brain turned out to be blank. Ya...Totally BLANK. I've encounter such situation many times, yet it still repeating! I wish this nightmare could be end. Or else I'm gonna cry again. T_T

The quiz is the most disappointing because I'm unable to answer such a simple question, that is make sentences. I hate Russian language!!! Why I have to hate it? I love to learn but hate to be tested. I lost about 15 marks. OMG! That mark is too much. Why I'm become such a dumb when I learn foreign language? I never have so much problem to learn English and always scored. Once again I want to say..."I HATE RUSSIAN!". "I HATE RUSSIAN!". "I HATE RUSSIAN!".
For my midterm, I don't know why it's so difficult to remember what I've read. Seems like I've a short-term memory and getting worse when my age increase. Everything seems like been erased when I wake up the next morning. I worry when I get old I'll have an Alzhemier...So scary.
I do really hope there is changes in me this year. I don't want the bad things of my last year nightmare come back again. My result for the last semester are so-so only. I need to upgrade myself. Wish I'll not get zero marks for my midterm and quizzes. I know my language lecturer are a bit fussy, but I 'm really hope something miracle will happen...Haih...Day dreaming again!
Well I have to end my blog...Need to study for my other subject and finish the task given.
Bye! Bye!


AkuD kot! February 14, 2009 at 7:09 PM  

huhu.. I hate Arabic...!!!!~

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