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~Headache ~Headache - Homework + Assignment + Project + DS Lab {T_T}

>> Saturday, February 28, 2009

Which should I do first? Homework? Assignment? Project? Argh... don't have so much time to complete all of them. The due date of that three task almost the same too, no gap! Wish that this world has 48 hours per day, means 2 days merge as 1 day. Then human can have more longer time to sleep! LOL...If the earth need 48 hours to make 1 full rotation, then everything will be in slow motion. In reality we need around 10-15 minutes to finish up our food. But if we double it, then we need about 20-30 minutes to eat. Imagine the slow motion of people chewing the food, looks funny right? But there are some benefits in other way, human will not be so rushed and stress can be reduced too. Then the problem regarding the stress can be minimized too. In the end, all human will be live in healthy right? LOL...I'm such as day dreamer! God has make 1 day consists of 24 hours, how can we change this natural phenomenon, unless we ourselves are God. LOL...
Today, I'm learn a new thing, about setting a connection with server using the Java RMI evoke. Haih...I still can't run my program smoothly. I don't know where are the error. I'm so frustrated when my friend able to run the program. I have following the procedure accordingly, but yet still can't run! Is't I'm using the Windows Vista OS? If that is the problem, I want to smack that Vista! Only making people life miserable! If Windows XP is stable, why Microsoft still want to produce new OS? Why they don't just upgrade Windows XP? The amount they earned from Windows XP launch still not enough? Still want to produce Windows 7 and claim it's the best! Human is so greedy! Never satisfied what they have! Human...Human...Filled with so many bad Karma!
Haih..I need to stop here, or else I can't finish my three S@#$%D task! Only make me feel tired! So I end here with Bye~ Goodnight and have a sweet sweet dream...ZzZzZ


I want to express my anger here! Argh!!!!!

>> Friday, February 27, 2009

Once again, before I start my blog, let me have a photo shoot of myself. Ready....3....2...1...Flash! Tada...Below are the best shoot which I compiled in one picture. LOL...Which shoot is the best? Please leave some comment. I would like to know.

Do you notice some changes in me? Yup! I straightened hair yesterday. I realize that my head become very big, as my hair become flat and limp after straightening. LOL...some of my friends even said that I look like a girl.
{-_-"} Hei! I'm a guy not a girl, OK! Don't judge me that way!
I don't like my original hair, it's wavy and look messy. I'm thinking of going to dye hair too but I worry that my hair will damage. I don't want my hair exposed too much of chemical. It's not good for our health too.
I just finish my midterm exam yesterday. Argh...What the F*#K and S%@&T exam especially S@#$%D Russian! I'm don't know how to answer! All are the rubbish answer I could give. Why this people like to fail us! We are here for study purpose, not to be tortured! D$E you all! Wish you have S#$%&*R life and go to H*&L faster! This time I want to be rude. I can bear with these S*%T already. I feel very depress when thinking of my failure. I don't want to talk about it anymore! B*&%%S%&T!
Before I end my blog, if you find out that my blog a bit annoying, I would like to apologize first. I need to express my anger, hopefully you all don't mind. So I stop here with Bye~


Midterm exam...Don't know how to answer {T_T}

>> Monday, February 23, 2009

How do I look like? Nasty right? I'm now squeezing my brain with books...
This week I have 3 midterm exam and 1 quiz. Today I just finished one midterm exam which is the Theory of Computation. This subject is very difficult to understand. I don't know how to answer...Hope I can score 1/2 of overall marks. I don't want to fail in my midterm exam again! This is my repeating subject. I'm so desperate now and tomorrow I have another quiz too. I need some strength and guidance. God...Please help me! I'm feel very weak and down...
Fuh..The life of a student's life in university tough. This week is my toughest day especially two midterm on this coming Thursday. I have to encounter this nightmare again. Before this was my final exam which held on the same day during last semester. Haih...I can't merge these two subjects consist of seven to eight chapter each into my brain. Argh...My brain~ My brain~ Can't bear this torture...Migraine now...
Wish I can turn back the time to my childhood days. No worries, no tough day and live happily ever after. Miss my childhood time where I can play with my sister, chasing after the chicken, catch tadpoles and doing many things. When I was a child, I wish to be grown up faster. Then I can do things that adult people can do. I'm so regret having such thought now. I don't want to grow up. I want to be little boy who is mischievous, doing whatever I like. Sometimes I do wish the time machine really exists in this world. LOL...me such a day dreamer!
Haih...I need to stop my blog here. I'm not yet finish study for my tomorrow quiz. By the way, I'll not post up any stories these few days. I want to concentrate on my this coming Thursday midterm exam. Wish me luck! Bye~


Me as usherer for Fiesta Cahaya '09

>> Sunday, February 22, 2009

Vanakkam! Haha...How do I look like in this Indian costume? Suits me? As mentioned in my previous post, I become the usherer for my university Fiesta Cahaya event. That's why I didn't post up any story these two days back. I been busy attending the rehearsal. During the event, I always keep on greeting the guest with "Vanakkam". Fuh...feels so bored doing the same thing! However the proudest part is I'm the first one who greets the VVIP whose one of them is a Senator. LOL...I know someone out there said me 'lansi' already (self-esteem in Cantonese).

On right is how I have to do all the way during the event. Seems like my both palm hand been sticked by glue. LOL...Actually it's a Indian polite way to greet people. That night I forget to charge my camera, so I'm unable to snap few photos of me and my friends wearing Indian costumes.
I want to make some confession here. I found out that Chinese girls who wears Sari look very gorgeous and beautiful. I even attracted to them. ~Blush ~Blush - My face become red already...
This year Fiesta Cahaya performance enjoyable, however the technical and maintainance of the event are worse. The gap between the shows are too long and the slide show having problem (always hang). The story they want to bring up also not very understandable. However, I think they have do the best they could, as the dance really enjoyable. I even feel want to dance with them too.
Huhu..I need to end my blog here. I haven't finish study for my midterm exam tomorrow. Wish me luck! Nandri! (means thanks in Tamil).


Huhu...so many books to read, midterm exam next week!

>> Thursday, February 19, 2009

Before I start my blog, let me have a photo shoot of myself. Ready....3....2...1...Flash! Tada...Below are the best shoot which I compiled in one picture. LOL...I have a potential to be a photographer!

Which shoot is the best? Please leave some comment. I would like to know.
Haha...as mentioned in my previous post, I have a disease which so difficult to get rid of, that is like to capture photo of myself so much...I don't know why I become like this after I have hand phone integrated with camera. BLAME the technology for turning me like this! LOL...It's myself actually, not the technology. I find myself blessed with a "nice-looking face".
Buek~ Buek~ Buek~ I know most of you want to vomit after reading that quotes sentences. Sure you all say I have such a thick face right? {-_-"}
OK, let's get back to a serious stuff. Yup! My another subject midterm exam will be held next week, total of two! Walao! Once again I have to squeeze my brain till dry. Argh...I'm going to be exhausted again. Wish there is no such exam and books to read in this world! Haha...Only a day dreamer will think of that! If the world without a book what is going to be? All people become dumb!
Today, I came across a movie advertistment, Dragonball. Wish I could spent some time to go watch it. I saw the trailer before and it's awesome! Hehe...I been watching Dragonball cartoon since I was kid. So for sure I'll go watch it! The famous actor Chow Yun Fatt also featured in the movie. maybe next week I'll go watch it, but is't out in cinema already? I'll elaborate the movie here if I manage to go watch.
But now I have to get back to my studies! So I have to end my blog here and continue tomorrow. Bye~


Haih...I can't answer my test correctly T_T

>> Wednesday, February 18, 2009

~ T_T ~
My mood once again down...Every time when there is a test or exam, if I'm unable to answer them perfectly, I'll cursing and blaming myself. Wish that I'm smart enough to answer all the question. I unable to concentrate on my studies yesterday because I have a terrible flu, most probably due to drastic weather changes. The sudden temperature changes will make me fall sick easily. The unlucky thing happen to me is when I need to study, my disease will come. Maybe my antibody is weak during that time, argh...wish my test at least has 3/4 of overall marks! I really want to score for the test. Help me :'(
Huhu...I'm excited for this Saturday coz I'll be the usherer for my university event, The 2009 Fiesta Cahaya. It is the one and only show in Sabah reflecting the Indian cultures. I'll be wearing Indian costumes during the event, if I manage to snap some photos, I'll upload here. How do I lool like if I wear Indian costumes. I wonder???
LOL...this picture looks very funny. Hopefully I'll not look like the picture.
Er..I need to end my blog here. I have assignment need to finish up as the dateline is tomorrow. Bye~


I'm so tired and sleepy...ZzZzZ

>> Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Last night I was burning midnight oil for my algebra linear test tomorrow, as well as doing my computer architecture assignment. Damn! Both so difficult, the questions really squeeze my brain. I don't know how to answer especially the algebra linear. How I'm suppose to do? I don't want to fail any test again. I must score! I must score! But my brain performance starts to decrease already.

(~Yawn ~Yawn) That the only things I do the most when in the lecture just now. I didn't concentrate on what the lecturer taught in front. All i think is my sweet lovely bed waiting for me at home. Argh...Wake up! Wake up! I keep on reminding myself, but my eyes started to close... Then I can help myself and I slept for few minutes...Then awake by some noise, thought my lecturer yelling me. Haha...luckily my lecturer didn't notice me.
Well, I'm unable to snap some picture of my today attire. I just wear normal attire, that is T-shirt with jeans. I woke up late this morning and rushing, so nothing special about my attire AS promised, so sorry...(~sob ~sob)
Now I at my room and will take nap later. I'm having migraine now...Can't resist anymore. So I have to end my blog here. Bye! I'm gonna oi oi liao...LOL


OMG!...I'm addicted to blog

>> Monday, February 16, 2009

I'm not pay attention in class, lecturer are teaching in front and I'm busy blogging here. Hehe...I'm gettting more addicted to blog. Is this a good or bad thing? Before this I'm so curious why my friends like to blog and willing to spent some minutes to post up story. Now I understand...It's like some kind of entertainment. Huhu...I'm become loyal to blog now. I'm the bloggie's fan...Hurray!!!

Erm...posing in front of my laptop's webcam. Huhu...I look like an uncle right. LOL...Today I have a normal and formal attire. I have to wear formal on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday to attend the lecture. If not, I'll be caught by the Student Affairs' Department people. I don't want to mess up with them. But tomorrow I'm going to wear a stylish attire. Hope I manage to snap some photos and upload them here. LOL...I'm actually have one disease recently. Can you guess? Ya...I like to self-candid so much and my laptop's storage filled up with some many photos of myself.
LOL...Psh ~ I have a charming look, don't you all think so?
(Buek...Buek...Buek...) I can know someone out there is vomiting. Such a thick face I have {-_-"}
Oops! I'm really have to end my blog here. Need to concentrate in my lecture, or else I'm going to miss out what the lecturer has taught. Bye...Muak! A goodbye kiss for you all...LOL


My mood is down again...T_T. Why I need to be like that?

>> Saturday, February 14, 2009

My eyes are little bit swollen, you know why? Erm...I feel so shy to tell, but anyway I must say out my feeling. Yup! You're guess are right, I cried over my bad performance in studies. I recently have a midterm exam and 2 quizzes. The bad thing is I was unable to answer most of the question. What I've done to be so useless? If you said I'm not revising my book, but I do revise. When I recieved the paper, my brain turned out to be blank. Ya...Totally BLANK. I've encounter such situation many times, yet it still repeating! I wish this nightmare could be end. Or else I'm gonna cry again. T_T

The quiz is the most disappointing because I'm unable to answer such a simple question, that is make sentences. I hate Russian language!!! Why I have to hate it? I love to learn but hate to be tested. I lost about 15 marks. OMG! That mark is too much. Why I'm become such a dumb when I learn foreign language? I never have so much problem to learn English and always scored. Once again I want to say..."I HATE RUSSIAN!". "I HATE RUSSIAN!". "I HATE RUSSIAN!".
For my midterm, I don't know why it's so difficult to remember what I've read. Seems like I've a short-term memory and getting worse when my age increase. Everything seems like been erased when I wake up the next morning. I worry when I get old I'll have an Alzhemier...So scary.
I do really hope there is changes in me this year. I don't want the bad things of my last year nightmare come back again. My result for the last semester are so-so only. I need to upgrade myself. Wish I'll not get zero marks for my midterm and quizzes. I know my language lecturer are a bit fussy, but I 'm really hope something miracle will happen...Haih...Day dreaming again!
Well I have to end my blog...Need to study for my other subject and finish the task given.
Bye! Bye!


Huhu...Chinese New Year officially end yesterday

>> Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I just realized that yesterday was the last day of CNY, thxs for the post up CurryEgg. I been so bz till have no time to care what is going around...I'm in the midterm exam season...So many things to read up. That's the reason why these few days I didn't write out any blog :(

In my previous blog blog, I end it with some few symbol that need you all to figure them out right? Well, the whole phrase means "Goodbye! Have a nice day". those are the Russian words. I'm taking Russian as my additional subject in my varsity...Honestly, I find it very difficult to learn especially its grammar. It's more complicated than English. It has so many rules to apply till I blur already...
I'll not write my blog for few days onwards because I need to concentrate on my studies. So that's all for today. Bye bye!


Erm...Should I change my laptop OS??

>> Saturday, February 7, 2009

I've been thinking so long...Should i change my laptop OS?My laptop now become not stable after strike by stupid trojan...But what OS should i use? XP or Vista? Can someone give few suggestions? But tell you first, my laptop can't boot with XP cd? Anyone has any idea what's going wrong? Finally I decided to change my OS to Vista. Me made a such hurry decision coz I need to finish up my assignment and task given by lecturer. All are inside my laptop. All I know Vista encounter many problems especially when dealing with other software compability. Many of the softwares not like universal plug-in like XP. But I have no choice since the due date of assignment almost near.

I spent the whole day yesterday till now to search for the software compability. As the result, I have to sacrifice my sleep. Arghh...I'm so tired and sleepy!!! Finally the installation complete and I can use my laptop normally...that's why I'm writing blog now, HeHeHe...
I'm going to miss XP...I love XP! What to do, my laptop just fall in love with Vista but not XP (means my laptop was originally built for Vista). I change to XP because Vista not very compatible with readily available software, however since the changes my laptop become very unstable, i have to change back to Vista again! Haih...Bye-bye my dear XP :'(
I'm very very tired now, my eyes almost become panda bear, but I still can't go to bed. My assignment and homework not yet finish, as well as my printer not working with Vista yet, still need to figure out what happen. I need the printer to print out my work...Stupid Vista! So useless! Windows 7 going to pin you down! I'm the first to wish you farewell! HaHaHa...
I end my blog with до свиданияЖелаю Вам хороший день! Can you figure it out what it means. I'll let u know the meaning at my next blog, HeHe...


~I'm back again with my blog~

>> Thursday, February 5, 2009

Finally I can sit down and start to write my blog again. These few days I'm very busy and the internet connection so bad. I hardly log into the blogger website during the peak hour, even at midnight! The page difficult to load and I'm so frustrated to write blog. Hmm...today connection quite good, so here I am back again with my story.
After Chinese New Year, I'm getting more and more busy. Assignment + Project + Midterm or Quizzes keep coming! My brain almost exploded, luckily God know my pain, one midterm and quiz was canceled today...Hurray!!! Both postponed to next week...But wait...Don't be too happy first...OMG! Next Thursday I have 2 quiz and 1 midterm on the same day!!! How I'm going to cover all??? Who going to help me? Arghh...Get me out of the torture!
I hate university life! Those told me that entered varsity is enjoyable...Bullshit you all!!! I'm suffering here coz not enough sleep + no time to eat + tired => almost become a dead corpse!
Whatever! Life need to be continued. What I'm nervous and also excited now is my project, creating a website for a company. The selected company quite big, so I need to deliver the best result, however I doubt of my capability, wish my group has more people so that I can develop the best website in KK! LOL...Day dreaming pulak! But I really wish so, I was given a trust by the manager. The manager really inspired me a lot. Such at young age and just graduated, can go up to manager post. Wish I can be just like him once I started work after graduate.
Huhu...tomorrow I don't have any class, so I can sleep as long as I could later...Hurray!I think that's all for today, will continue my story tomorrow. My next blog might need some opinions from you all. Muak!Muak!~A double goodnight kiss 4 u all~ Have a sweet sweet dream tonight...ZzZzZ, But don't dream of me...LOL


I'm a newbie blogger

>> Sunday, February 1, 2009

This is my first time writing blog, well...I'm quite influenced by my several friends who starts blogging long time ago. I know some of you might visit CurryEgg blog, well honestly she is the one who influence me to start write blog. Erm...I'm not sure want to start what topic for today blog?How bout my this year Chinese New Year celebration?
This is my second time I'm not going back my home to celebrate Chinese New Year...Really sad and admires my friends who get their chance to go home. Air ticket so expensive and I need to sacrifice because my dad's work been suspended for 6 months due to economic crisis, Haih...
Although not going back, I'm spending my Chinese New Year wisely here (I mean Sabah). I got the chance to watch lion show and having reunion dinner too. I'm still happy and enjoying myself thou my family far away. Besides I have a chance to go Kuala Penyu also, a small fishing village near southern part of Sabah. It just like Kuala Kurau in Perak, those Penangites will know where is it. I also receives Ang Pau beyond my expectation, Muahaha...can have extra money to spent.
I also watch 4 movies in 1 week, All Well's End Well, Wedding Game. Underworld 3 and Inkheart. Walao!So many movies watched...I'm almost pokai ordy....and yet another new movie will come. I must control myself before I reach bankruptcy...Chai Sen!I want more $$$$$$$$.
Haha...I'm such a day dreamer, wishing money will fell from the sky.
Fuh...I'm a bit drunken now. Just now my friend treats me several cans of beer, such a long time I didn't drink it. With such a sudden, sure will get drunken easily. Now my brain like rotating....(Yawning...)I want to sleep liao. Friends, I will continue my story next time. So far, I can come up with this story...I'm drunken and my brain could not function well...Goodnight...Eh???It's still day time...OMG!I'm really drunk!


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