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Completely lost...

>> Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Why this 'lost' keep haunting me since last week! You see, I lost my calculator, lost my favorite mechanical pencil and lost my important notes. I also feel lost in my distributive system project and my final exam revision. All are LOST! LOST! LOST! Oh my...I feel so tired of this nightmare, why this bad luck strikes me continuously? So what will be lost next? I'm predicting I'll lost my marks in this Saturday presentation and also marks for my final exam. Or something that beyond what I'm expected?
These few days I could not feel the peace in my mind. I have the sense that something bad will happen to me. Well, for this 'lost' consequences, I have to waste my money to buy my new calculator and mechanical pencil! Then I have to redo all my notes which I have worked up since the beginning of this semester! Then for my project, if I fail to present out, this will effect my overall mark. If really fail, then I have to retake that 'shit' subject which means I gonna extend my studies!
I don't want to extend, wanna get out of this 'hell' life as soon as possible. Hopefully this nightmare can end! I'm feel so miserable and could not concentrate in anything. I need the strength to go through this suffer. I wanna shout out as loud as I can, but the surrounding forbidden me to do so! I'm so down, help me.....


Erm...major changes in me?

>> Monday, April 13, 2009

I was looking back my old pictures and they remind me of my sweet memories with friends. So it's very important to have a camera to be brought along. Any moment in daily life can be captured, thus it's true that a picture is worth a thousand words. Sometimes I wish that the sweet moment can be freezed forever, without having to worry what will be going on the next day! However, life is like the Earth, continues to rotate no matter what disaster strike on it. So do the life, continues to live no matter how we suffered from hardship.

Well, I do notice a major changes in me. From a fat and chubby guy, now I become an attractive and handsome guy. Ahem~ ahem~ Trying to keep my profile low...LOL. I must thank God for giving me all this. When I thinked back, I'm totally a guy who don't have any confident of himself. But now, it's different. I have the confidence and can compete with any guy out there.
When I talked with my old school mates, who knows me since primary school, asked me whether I have cosmetic surgery? OMG! How can I afford for the cosmetic surgery since I'm not working yet! They said I'm totally look different now. They said I'm used to be a cute and chubby guy. Oh my...I don't like that kind of title. I feel ashamed of carrying that title, sounds childish to me!

This picture taken when I was in form 5, me at the second from left of the first row.

The picture at right is the latest view of myself. WOW! Totally a big difference compare to above one right? So those who reads my blog, what do you think? Do I really undergo surgery? Actually if you have the desire to change yourself, why not we do it? I mean in a good way form. Erm...I think I should stop here already. It's quite late already and I need to sleep. It's not good to stay up so late. So I end my blog with Bye~ Bye~


UMS Computer Science Course Night

>> Saturday, April 11, 2009

Once again, I neglected my blog for six days, haih...pity my blog! *HUGS* *HUGS* my dear blogy!

Sorry! Been very busy these few days. But here I am, back again with another interesting story.
Last night I attended my course night dinner at Beverly Hotel, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Yes...I know! I been there already last week. I have mentioned it also in my previous blog. You all must be thinking that I'm crazy because attended dinner twice. And also wearing the same attire, not so much interesting, wasting my money and blah~ blah~ blah~
But it's my first time I'm going out for dinner with my coursemate. Although it's quite boring, but I feel enjoyed last night. Huhu..all my coursemates suddenly turned into celebrity, looks so beautiful and gorgeous! Ahem~ ahem~ including me also! I managed to snap some photos with them, hurray! Finally got 'leng lui' willing to shoot photo with me. In my previous blog, I do mentioned that I fail to ask 'leng lui' to shoot photo with me. Hahaha...mission accomplish last night!
Some of you may notice I do wear the same clothes as the residential college dinner. But I don't have so much money to buy another new clothes! I have spent so much for the both dinner. However I think it's my best ever attire I ever weared. So why not I wear it back for last night dinner, unless somebody sponsor me to buy new clothes, hahaha...day dreaming!
Hmm...I think I don't want to write too much here. Just enjoy the photos I attached below! Those who are inside the photos remember to tag it in my facebook. So I end my blog with 'paka' (means bye in Russian).


Crowned as the King of the Night, LOL...

>> Sunday, April 5, 2009

Before I start my blog, let me count how many days I have abandoned my blog. Erm...1,2,3,...26 days, OMG! It almost near to a month I didn't update my blog. Don't enter my blog yet! Let me see if there are any spiders, cockroaches, mice and bugs here. OK! 'CHECKED', you may enter. Huhu...no pests inside, just full of dust.
~ Aiyoh...this is blog not your house lah! {-_-"}
These few days back I was totally busy with assignment, project, test and etc.
~ Aiyah...the life of the university's student is like that mah!
But when I could spend some time for my blog, the internet connection at my hostel so poor. I could hardly load the web page. This nightmare continues until yesterday and last for a week. Luckily today the line is quite good. Hurray! Finally I could log in and share my story here again.

Well, last night I went to my residential college dinner at Beverley Hotel in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. This is my second time I attend the the annual dinner of my residential college.

However I found that this year dinner is quite interesting. Many 'leng lui' junior attend the dinner this year. WOW! Most of them look so gorgeous and beautiful in the dinner dress. Seems like everyone turned into a celebrity last night. The dress code for the dinner is black and white. You see, even the balloon in the ballroom also black in colour!

Hehe...Wish I could grab one 'leng lui' and accompany me for the whole night. Sadly...I'm fail to do so, Aiyah!
At the end of the dinner, when I almost to leave the ballroom, then I heard my name being announced. I'm so curious and go back to check what is going on. Then my friends push me to the stage and I'm totally blur. Then I only realized that I was nominated as the 'King of the Night' with others candidate. At last the audience choose me and I'm so embarrassed.

~Blush ~Blush
OMG! Why they choose me? As I know there are few guys out there wore more stylish than me.

Maybe some of the judges are my friends, so they just pick me. Easy for them. Actually there are so many competitors present at the dinner. Guess I'm the lucky one to be choosen!

There is also the 'Queen of the Night' . Here I attached the picture below. Let me presents the "The King and Queen of the Night" HAHAHA!

Before we are allow to leave the stage, they require us to dance in front of the audience. OMG! I feel like doing the most embarrasing things in my life. Wanna watch the video? Check it below. Enjoy it! Sure you gonna laugh it till you fall down from the chair!

Seems like I wrote too much already. Will share my stories with you all next time. So I end my blog here with ~BYE!


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