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Human's life so fragile! We can't predict what's going on tomorrow...

>> Monday, March 9, 2009

Just now I was talking to my friend about a guy who just passed away on Saturday evening. Although I don't really know that guy well, but I can feel the sad and sorrow of the incident. His name is Chok Chun Vui, a Sabahan guy from Lahad Datu. He studies Industrial Chemical and in the second year, same year as me. He passed away due to a serious internal injuries at liver. He accidently fall into a deep monsoon drain in my university (UMS) and the impact has affected his liver. My friend told me that the injuries is about 15cm long, so it will be half of the liver affected. The incident occured at the late evening of Friday, so he struggles for life in two days.

After I listened to this sad news, I was speechless. Once again I feel that the human's life is really fragile. He just fall into the monsoon drain, but how can the impact really break his liver. I was curious and the same time feel pity of him. I believe anyone do has an experience of falling into the drain before, but mostly we will get the bruises and slight injuries only. But how can he recieves such a serious injuries? What really happen that time? I wish that I was a Dejavu who has the power to turn back the time and save him.
My tears begin to drop.....Why God ends the life of that innocent guy that way? My friend said that he is a very good guy and never do a bad things before. That's why I feel that human's life is just like a glass, a careless step will shattered it. So we must appreciate each day we have, never complains so much about our life. As long as we can breath for the next day when we wake up, it considered as a gift already. In today's life, human seems to be very greedy, everything also want. I admit that sometimes myself is greedy too, want to have everything in my hands, or in a simple words...materialistic. That's why I can feel the very bad Karma in me and try to get rid of it by practising Buddhism.
This incident also reminded me of Mrs. Machap, my English tuition teacher where her second son also fall down from a high place and injured his brain. He was in coma for few days and doctor said he could not be saved. When I visited my teacher, she seems very strong and tries to be calm. But my friend said that when her son's body arrived at home, she could not stop crying. I was not there at that time, but could not recall what's the reason.
Oh my...How can a mother seeing his own son dead! You know how difficult a mother carrying a child in womb for 9 months. When giving birth, it's like sacrifising your own life just to born the child to the world. Then a mother has to patiently feeding, raising and guiding the child to be good person. This is a very long process, but when you saw what you build up has shattered, it feels like the end of the world!
That's why I dare to tell my mum that I love her and she is the greatest to me. I can't live without her. "Mum...I love you. I want to hug you! I miss you so much" But now I'm far away from home, so can't tell her how I feel now. So people out there please love your mum before it's too late! Haih...I need to stop my blog here. I spent so much time for blogging already, need to do revision for my this Tuesday exam.
By the way, please wish Chok Chun Vui can rest peacefully and his family has a peace in mind!
Do God bless him...
Nam-Myo-Ho-Ren-Gen-Kyo ~
Nam-Myo-Ho-Ren-Gen-Kyo ~
Nam-Myo-Ho-Ren-Gen-Kyo ~


Taking a brave step but end up being misunderstood, LOL...

>> Friday, March 6, 2009

Today I take a very brave step by wearing a baju Melayu to varsity. But I end up being misunderstood by some people. When I arrived at my varsity, everyone is staring at me with strange eyes expression. Most probably they feel curious why this Chinese guy wearing the Malay costumes? LOL...I'm now in a combination of Chinese and Malay race. I keep on walking and ignoring my surrounding. I want to avoid being noticed by people. So I don't dare to raise up my head. Feel a bit regret for what I've done!

Then I was approached by one of my friend. He said, "What happen to you? Why are you wearing this attire? You have converted to Islam is't?" I just manage to keep silent for few seconds but later we laughed together. I told him I want to be different today, so I wear baju Melayu. He said at first he don't dare to call me. He worried that he recognize a wrong guy. After a few minutes chat, then we dismiss. He even praise for my bravery! LOL...
When I walk to the bus stop, there is a guy sounds me, "Why are you still here? Not you're suppose at mosque? Now it's almost the end of the prayer". OMG! I just realize that today is Friday. I should not wear baju Melayu because today Malay people need to go mosque for Friday prayer. I replied him that I'm a Chinese guy not Malay. He apologize me and I feel very embarrassed! Then I later straight board the bus and heading back to my house, ignoring everyone who staring me.
When I reached my hostel, my house mate greeted me "Assalammualaikum chai!" I was shocked by that greet and I could do is smile at them. Then I quickly go up my room and take off my baju Melayu. Argh...What a embarassing day I have today. I promise myself not to wear like this next time. It's looks very weird! I was laughing in my room, Hahaha....

I'm having problem to fold the 'kain pelekat' which is fully handmade. It's very nice and I borrowed it from my friend. I take several minutes to learn how to fold, but in the halfway it will get loose and fell down. At last I decide to put it on my shoulder, also one of the way for those who don't know how to fold. Emm...I hope I can mastered the skill of folding the 'kain pelekat' one day.

This is what the best I could do. I really don't know how to fold the 'kain pelekat'. My friend demonstrate me once, and I thought I could do it. Haih...feel too confident of myself, but now come out to be different, LOL....I really don't know how to fold, can somebody out there teach me? I really appreciate it.

Feeling frustrated, finally I put that beautiful 'kain pelekat' on my shoulder. Okay, looks like I have to end my blog here. All I could say is today is my most embarrassing, funny and weird day. Bye~


Time goes so fast, what shall I do for my final year project?

It almost come to the end of my 2nd year in university, that means I'm going to have another 1 more year to finish my studies. The time goes so fast till we even didn't realize it. I always wish that the time can go slowly so that we have plenty of time. Haha...I'm day dreaming again in this early morning. Maybe I didn't sleep well last night. Well...I been thinking of what shall I do for my final year project next semester.
I'm in a big dilemma for my final year project now. What title shall I do? Why I pick that title? Who should I pick as my supervisor? When I can prepare my proposal? How can I do? Argh...so many question being pop up from my head! I have to be very serious and think attentively so that I can carry on my project to the second level. Even my lecturer warned us that we should not treat the project easy. I have to make a careful decision, a careless slip can fail me! If fail means I need to extend another 1 year. I don't want extend! I want to get out of university as soon as possible! I EXTREMELY SUPER DUPER HATE UNIVERSITY LIFE!
Sorry for didn't post up any message, I'm so busy recently and don't has ay idea to start my stories. Looks like I need to end my blog here. I need to spent less time in blogging now. I 'm going to miss my blog. *HUG* ~ *HUG* There are so many assignment, homework and project waiting to be finished up. Haih...I'm so tired over here, I want to go back to my home sweet home in Penang T_T


Frustrated...But why these two freak women kissing my photo? Yucks!!!

>> Sunday, March 1, 2009

Hey! What are these two freak women doing with my photo? The left women even kissing me too, Yucks! Must be these two women just released from the psychiatric hospital. LOL..Actually this is the effect of an online photo editor, (www.photofunia.com). There are many background effects you can select, even you can put up your photo in the middle of the city. One of my friend introduce this to me, it's free of charge and don't need any registration. Go try it!
I'm a bit frustrated here! I don't know how to do my Theory of Computation assignment and the task need to pass up tomorrow. DAMN! How am I going to finish them all by today? Can someone out there who reads my blog and knows well about this subject teach me? I'm stuck and till now I haven't start any of the question yet. What should I do? What should I do? Give excuse to my lecturer that I don't know how to do? No...he wouldn't believe because others people can do. How about copying other people works? But who is going to lend me? So many this and that question pop up in my brain. Argh...~Migraine ~Migraine.
Looks like I need to take a rest now. Or I'll become insane like that two freak women or even worse. So I'm going to sleep a while to rest my exhausted brain, hopefully there is a miracle after I wake up. So I end my blog here, Bye~


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