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Why do I write blog?

>> Monday, March 15, 2010

On last Thursday, during the Ethics and ICT Laws lecture, our lecturer has asked us that why do we force ourself to write blog? Isn't we as the student should spend more time in doing other important stuff rather than wasting several hours writing the blog? Hence, our task that day is to write out our opinion regarding this issue in our blog.

Well for my opinion, writing a blog is not consider of being forced, but it comes naturally from someone who wants to show or share their inspiration, creativity and opinion with everyone via the network. For me, writing blog is not a something new for me, although I just started writing about a years ago. So I'm consider myself still in the process of learning in writing a good blog.

From the archive, you will notice that the previous blog was 9 months ago. OMG!!! You may say that I'm such a lazy person, but I do really don't have enough time to spare in writing blog or perhaps lack of inspiration. All my time was spent to study, doing my assignment or final year project and work part time. Yup...I have a boring life and I hate it too. I'm sure nobody will prefer this kind of lifestyle too, am I right?

Alright back to the issue, the main reason someone is writing the blog is to express their opinion, other may want to show their creativity and idea with the public through their blog or some even use it as business purpose. There are also some people who want to share their knowledge through their blog by giving guides and advices. Overall, these blogs can be accessed easily whenever there is a Internet connection without any boundary.

For me, the main reason I'm writing the blog is to share my opinion and incidents that happened in my daily life, which may be happy, sad or emotional. But I do write blog for sharing knowledge, such as my this blog yellowtatt1.blogspot.com. But sadly I don't maintain and updated this blog anymore because of time constraint. I'm also lack of inspiration and ideas to write the blog due to my busy schedule.

When I'm in the third year of study, I'm realize that I will only write my blog when asked by someone, not to say forcing me, because I'm write them out sincerely. Actually I do like writing blog, only if my life is not hectic or maybe when I'm finish my studies in universities.

As conclusion, I don't think that writing blog is considered as force, but it depends on the each individual's perspective. Well, I think only this far I could write for this issue. So I end my blog with "до свидания"


ICT Issue

>> Sunday, March 14, 2010

One of the nation ICT issue is about the slow roll out of broadband especially in Sabah and Sarawak rural areas. According to the National Broadband Plan, 50% of the population must have access to high-speed Internet connections by year 2010 but penetration is lingering at the 26% mark now. Due to their isolated locations, these under served areas were largely being bypassed by telecommunications companies that preferred the more profitable urban areas.

As we know, high-speed broadband networks are a platform supporting innovation throughout the economy today in much the same way electricity and transportation networks spurred innovation in the past. New innovations such as smart electrical grids, telemedicine, intelligent transportation networks, interactive learning and cloud computing will require fast communication networks to operate efficiently. Thus it is important for the country to have the high-speed Internet connection especially at the rural areas.

Many governments especially the developed country including Malaysia have stepped in to fill the gap using stimulus funds to pay for new broadband networks. But there has been significant debate about whether these investments make economic sense, particularly as governments are entering into an area which has recently been entrusted to the private sector. But Malaysia has go beyond of this border since the launch of the MSC (Multimedia Super Corridor).

Currently, there are four company known as Packet One Network Sdn Bhd, Y-Max Networks Sdn Bhd, Asiaspace Sdn Bhd, and Redtone International Bhd assigned by the government to provide WiMAX (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access) broadband services to under served areas and groups in the country. However due to lack of financing in those state, these four company have not fully accomplished the government mission to have the high-speed Internet connection in rural areas.

Telecommunication companies have been investing to upgrade their older copper and coax cables to new fiber lines which have vastly larger capacity but the economic crisis has threatened to halt this investment just when consumers and businesses are using more Internet bandwidth. Telecommunication investment largely mimics GDP (gross domestic product) growth but in a more exaggerated way.


Putting a Watermark In Photo

>> Saturday, March 13, 2010

Watermarking is the process of embedding information into a digital signal in a way that is difficult to remove. If the signal is copied, then the information is also carried in the copy. The application of watermarking is in copyright protection systems, which are intended to prevent or deter unauthorized copying of digital media. Picture above shows an image with a visible digital watermarking at the bottom right. It is important to put a watermark in the captured photo, so that other people will not be able to use the picture and claim as theirs. They may use it as a reference by stating the source of the picture and with our permission allowed


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